
The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority-Consumer Consultative Council (TCAA-CCC)

From ES's Desk

On behalf of management and staff of TCAA Consumer Consultative Council (The Council), I am delighted to welcome you to our new Website which has been redesigned and developed with the main objective of providing the general public with a closer reach on what the Council is doing with regards to its efforts to safeguard and protect the rights and interests of Consumers of Civil aviation regulated goods and services.

It is my belief that this website will be more informative and an educational tool to the general public, through which various documents and video sessions are made easily available for public access and consumption.

One of the Council’s mandated functions is to receive and disseminate information and views on matters of interest to consumers of regulated goods and services, it’s my hope that this website will be the easiest way of receiving information from the stakeholders on one hand and disseminating feedback to stakeholders on the other hand.

I also would like to mention the invaluable contribution of our continued efforts towards advocating for the rights and interest of the civil aviation Consumers. To us, Consumers’ rights and interests are the major concern.

Lastly, I call upon everybody to frequently and intensively explore our website and contact us for any additional information required or ­­­comments for improvement.

I thank you for your continued support and cooperation and looking forward to working with you in a more collaborative way.